Great Life Chi­ro­prac­tic purpose is to facil­i­tate our com­mu­nity towards opti­mal health by check­ing, edu­cat­ing, and adjust­ing as many fam­i­lies as pos­si­ble through the prin­ci­ples of chiropractic…for life. And we are hon­oured to pro­vide you and your fam­ily with the high­est qual­ity of care at our cen­tre. We have been serv­ing an extra­or­di­nary chi­ro­prac­tic expe­ri­ence since 1999. More information

TILT (Total Integrated Lifestyle Training) is based on the concept that optimized movement = optimized fitness.  Life is movement, and movement is what you do every day. The greater your ability to move - the higher your level of true fitness. More Information


Volleyball Canada is involved with beach, indoor and disabled volleyball and has over 80,000 members. Founded in 1953, Volleyball Canada is involved in volleyball at all levels, from recreational pick-up games and grassroots development to high level international competitions (Men and Women's National Teams). More Information